Sunday, December 23, 2012

Next Mac Club January 8th 2013

December 18th Meeting

Mike Edgett spent most of the meeting explaining the details of four browsers.  His favorite is Chrome and he did an excellent job of informing us how to use it.   He also talked about Firefox, Safari and Opera.  He has a lot of knowledge and we're lucky to have him.  

No Meeting until 1/8/13

As one might expect since our regularly scheduled meetings would take place on Christmas and New Years we'll miss the next two.  See you in 2013!  

Merry Christmas to All

Friday, December 14, 2012

Meeting 12/18/12 @ 1PM

What happened last week

Attendance was small which made for a cordial exchange of questions and comments.  

Lots of questions about using Dictation; we discovered a working fast internet connection is needed to implement the program.  Those of us still using Lion do not have the Dictation option.  

Mission Control was discussed; how to set up hot corners, position on the desktop and the reason to use it.  It allows using multiple programs at the same time and not having to wait for them to start because they can be running on another desktop.  Having more RAM memory probably helps.  

Thanks to Jack and Larry for conducting a good meeting.  

Remember the IPad meetings start January 6th at 1:30PM in the Ocotillo Room.  Brent Shirley will conduct them and if there is sufficient interest he will continue each Sunday.  

Next Meeting

Projected to be either a presentation by Gail on Pages or Browsers by Mike.  Either will be interesting.  Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera if we do browsers.  Downloading your favorite would be a good idea.       

The 12/18/12 meeting will be the last until January 8th.  No meeting on Christmas or New Years.  

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meeting of 12/11/12 +

12/4/12 Meeting

Larry started the meeting with a short video focusing us on not being so serious.  Thanks.  

Jack McCleskey lead off on the promised discussion of Finder's drop down menus along with comments on talking to the computer.  Actually dictating (which only works on Mt. Lion).  

Also led us thru how to show and use the character and keyboard viewer.  He says he discovered it by mistake today while in class.  I think he had it all planned.  He also, along with others spoke about various keyboard shortcuts, I liked the Spacebar, which are quite useful.  As always we learned something.  

Meeting 12/11/12

Mike Edgett has obligated himself to present information on four browsers.  Firefox, Chrome (Google), Safari and Opera.  He suggests we download the three so we'll be able to follow his discussion more easily.  ðŸ˜„



Reminder:  First Ipad Meeting January 6th Sunday in the Ocotillo Room.  Subsequent meetings each week same time, same station.