Wednesday, January 14, 2015

For our Jan 20, 2015 meeting on iPhoto organization, we will be using this information to help us decide how to set up our Macs.  We will also use this as a handout.

Mac Users Group Jan. 14, 2015

File Size

Byte: Smallest piece of information a computer can read 
KB (Kilobyte) = 1,000 bytes
MB (Megabyte) = 1,000 kilobytes
GB (Gigabyte) = 1,000 megabytes
TB (Terabyte) = 1,000 gigabytes

• This document is 40 Kbs
• A 6 megapixel camera set at its largest file setting, pictures will average 2.5 MB
• A 12 megapixel camera set at its largest file setting, pictures will average 4-6 MB
• A 15 megapixel camera set at its largest file setting, pictures will average about 8     MG • A photo library with 15,000 pictures at 8 MG each will be 120,000 MG or 120 GB

A CD ROM disk will hold 750 MB of information. Normally single use 

A DVD+R Disk will hold about 5 GB of information! Normally single use

USB Flash drives vary in size, from 8GB for $7; 64GB for $22; 128GB for $48 or a full TB for $99. The advantage of using a flash drive is that it can be used over and over again. AND, it is very small and convenient.

You can also store your files or photos in iCloud, Google Plus, Drop Box and a host of other available cloud options.

Why take or save photos in the largest format or file size? If you plan to enlarge a photo to more than 8x10 and have it printed you will want a file size as large as possible to give you maximum resolution. Another reason to save in large format is if you do a lot of cropping. Or, if you plan on showing your photos as a slide show on your large screen TV. But, if your photos are only to be shown on your phone, iPad, iPod, or laptop, the smallest format is adequate.

What is a good size to attach to an e-mail? That really depends on on how fast the computer or internet service of the person receiving your photos is. Or, it also depends on what the person receiving the photos plans on doing with them. If all they plan on doing is viewing it on their computer, a small file size will be all they need, in the 50-100KB range. It also depends on how many photos you attach to an e-mail. For example, if you send an album with 20 photos that are in the 5 MB range, it could take several hours for it to download on the other end..once again, depending on the the speed of the person receiving the photos.

So, how do I know the size of the photo? In iPhoto on the bottom right corner you will find a box labeled Info. Click on it and a box will appear in the upper right hand corner with most of the information you will need including the file size.

OK, how do I resize the photo and attach it to my e-mail? In iPhoto while viewing the photo thumbnails, hold down the Command Key while clicking on each photo you want to send. Then, at the bottom right corner, click on Share and then click E-Mail. Give it a few moments and your e-mail will appear with the photos you selected along with the message size of the e-mail shown at the bottom left corner. On the bottom right corner look for the Photo Size and select the size you want. If you re-size, the message size will change. On the right side of the e-mail you will also see a selection of photo layouts. Classic is the most popular, but, be creative.

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