1. Users group of MAC computers
2. Inform members of new technology
3. Provide education on new softward
4. Broaden horizons
5. Develop community to support each other
Sandra Moran was kind enough to present us with information on how to use the site and what rules applied.
Here is a link to the site: https://nextdoor.com/ If you're already signed up you can use your email and password to view and change your way of using it. Here is another link with instructions. https://help.nextdoor.com/customer/portal/topics/350840-how-to-use-nextdoor/articles Give it a try.
Our local neighborhood has almost 800 members. The following are excerpts from my notes.
1. You have to be invited
2. Social Network for local neighborhoods and is private
3. Share info: about safety, sales of items, events
4. Recommend services
5. Locate other members
Thanks to Sandra
Jack & Finder
Jack talked quite a bit about using the menus and here is a link for a tutorial. The ad is only about 10 seconds long. http://blip.tv/macmost-video-podcast/macmost-tutorial-finder-windows-198432
Here is a link to keyboard commands for the MAC. Possibly more than you'll ever need.
Smart Folders
http://support.apple.com/kb/PH4158 A website from Apple about how to setup and use smart folders. We may need a class on this.
iPad Class in the San Tan Room @ noon until 2PM.
Taught by Sandra Morin.
Next Week:
More Finder stuff but most important a class on iMovie. The presenters want us to take a movie with our phones or whatever device we have of short duration and they will show us how to import and enhance with iMovie. I've already got mine!
See you next week 1/28/14.
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