Meeting 1/28/14
Larry started the meeting with a motivational presentation which was well received.
by Dave & Irene Hall
We were given a excellent presentation on using iMovie by Irene and Dave. One glitch at the beginning as no one seemed to know for sure how to download a movie from an iPhone. The mystery was solved by help from various members and on we went. It seems the new iMovie that uses Mavericks is enough different from earlier versions that the folks with it had difficulty following the instruction.
I've included a Mavericks tutorial site to help out: Hope this helps.
Also I've included a link to a tutorial for some of us who are behind the times.
Other difficulties cropped up when it was discovered some folks didn't have iMovie installed.
Apparently some earlier versions of OSX didn't include it. iLife needs to be purchased: Amazon sells old versions of iLife which include iMovie.
Here is a link for Apples' iMovie advice:
Irene and Daves' instructions were for us to just go ahead and try the program and enjoy it. I thought it was a lot of fun. So go ahead.
very much to Irene and Dave
Jack told us about a program from the Apple Store, "Disk Doctor" for $2.99. He thought it good for clearing space on a cluttered drive. Thanks Jack.
Disk Doctor.
Next Up, Next Week and further:
Browsers: Safari, FireFox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera.
E-mail Systems: Mail etc.
More on Finder's menus and great things we can do with them.
Also how to create a BLOG.
Make a bookmark for Palm Creek in whatever browser you use so you can find our blog or any of the other blogs for activities in the park. Once you have a bookmark for this site you can easily find any others. Or you could use NextDoor and get to read lots of irrelevant emails.
See you next week.
Your faithful servant,