Sunday, December 23, 2012

Next Mac Club January 8th 2013

December 18th Meeting

Mike Edgett spent most of the meeting explaining the details of four browsers.  His favorite is Chrome and he did an excellent job of informing us how to use it.   He also talked about Firefox, Safari and Opera.  He has a lot of knowledge and we're lucky to have him.  

No Meeting until 1/8/13

As one might expect since our regularly scheduled meetings would take place on Christmas and New Years we'll miss the next two.  See you in 2013!  

Merry Christmas to All

Friday, December 14, 2012

Meeting 12/18/12 @ 1PM

What happened last week

Attendance was small which made for a cordial exchange of questions and comments.  

Lots of questions about using Dictation; we discovered a working fast internet connection is needed to implement the program.  Those of us still using Lion do not have the Dictation option.  

Mission Control was discussed; how to set up hot corners, position on the desktop and the reason to use it.  It allows using multiple programs at the same time and not having to wait for them to start because they can be running on another desktop.  Having more RAM memory probably helps.  

Thanks to Jack and Larry for conducting a good meeting.  

Remember the IPad meetings start January 6th at 1:30PM in the Ocotillo Room.  Brent Shirley will conduct them and if there is sufficient interest he will continue each Sunday.  

Next Meeting

Projected to be either a presentation by Gail on Pages or Browsers by Mike.  Either will be interesting.  Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera if we do browsers.  Downloading your favorite would be a good idea.       

The 12/18/12 meeting will be the last until January 8th.  No meeting on Christmas or New Years.  

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meeting of 12/11/12 +

12/4/12 Meeting

Larry started the meeting with a short video focusing us on not being so serious.  Thanks.  

Jack McCleskey lead off on the promised discussion of Finder's drop down menus along with comments on talking to the computer.  Actually dictating (which only works on Mt. Lion).  

Also led us thru how to show and use the character and keyboard viewer.  He says he discovered it by mistake today while in class.  I think he had it all planned.  He also, along with others spoke about various keyboard shortcuts, I liked the Spacebar, which are quite useful.  As always we learned something.  

Meeting 12/11/12

Mike Edgett has obligated himself to present information on four browsers.  Firefox, Chrome (Google), Safari and Opera.  He suggests we download the three so we'll be able to follow his discussion more easily.  ðŸ˜„



Reminder:  First Ipad Meeting January 6th Sunday in the Ocotillo Room.  Subsequent meetings each week same time, same station.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mac Users Group 12/4/12

Meeting 12/4/12

There will be a continuation of Jack McCleskey's help with the menus on Finder and other surprises.  

Last meeting Larry Freeborg gave a concise explanation of how we access data thru our ISPs.  Internet service providers.  As we are aware confusion reins in this area.  He demonstrated a database program (Mindmap) which seems very usable.  

We also learned what command W and Command Z do.  Does anyone remember?  

IPad Meeting

There will be an IPad meeting January 6th, Sunday in the Ocotillo room at 1:30PM 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday November 27th Meeting

FYI;  Brent Shirley will conduct an IPad users session on January 6th 2013

Our meeting will continue with more Finder information.  An continue very much like last week.

Respectfully submitted by Mike who is having to retrain himself on BLOG procedure.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Future Meetings

Thanks to Tom Gottfried for earning some $ for the group as a dunking tank victim.  Fortunately the weather is warm.

I don't see him but I know he's there.

Jack told me he intends to continue the Mac User meetings through April with the last  taking place April 24th.  Would you believe my cheap calendar showed April had 31 days.  Oh Oh!

There will be no meeting March 27th as the room is taken by Tiffin rally visitors.  

Neither will there be a meeting April 10th.  I'm not sure why.  
I like this keyboard but I wish it had a number pad
I'm heading home now but will continue with the blog if someone will email me the data.  

Thanks, Mike

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 20 Meeting @ 1PM Santan Room

Dear Mac Users Group --

If you haven't gone to the MAC Users Blog and looked up Mike Marster's blog work, I encourage you to do it now. The url is

The Mac User Group Blog has info about the last meeting….and the upcoming meeting, plus other pertinent news (and some interesting photos).  Nice job Mike.

At our next Mac Users Group meeting, March 20th, Mike will be giving a demonstration on how to create a Blog.  Several other members have personal blogs and we're expecting that they will jump in with ideas also.

Also, remember that we are all invited to the Photo Club's annual photograph review on Monday at 10:30 a.m. in the Santan Room.

Thank you Suzie Nunley for the extensive presentation on iPhoto.  Taking us to the tutorials was a great reminder about how useful they can be.  Even Jack was saying "I didn't know that" throughout the presentation.

Sandi Tuthill followed up with an extemporaneous presentation of Aperture which was a great follow-on to the iPhoto presentation.  For those who want to become even more sophisticated in handing their photos….Aperture appears to be the ticket.  Thank you Sandi.

Jack McCleskey ran the session regarding back-ups on Saturday for 8 members.  It's great to see so many people getting their back-up systems up and working correctly.

March 27th there will be no Mac Users Group meeting.  The room will be used for visiting Tiffin Motorhome rally.

Next meeting will be April 3rd although the format will be changing of the month of April.  (See the Blog).

As Gail and I prepare to leave Palm Creek for this season we're both impressed and amazed with the talent and the amount of shared learning that has been happened over the last two years.  Thank you all for the opportunity to learn with you.

Warm regards,


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mac Users Group Meeting March 13th 2012

Larry Starting us out

Thanks to Suzie Nunley for an informative presentation on Iphoto.

Also Thanks to Sandi Tuthill for explaining Aperture.
Sandi taking an oath

On March 20th Mike Marsters will attempt to explain the procedure for creating a blog and give specific instructions for locating the Mac User's Group Blog.

The backup meeting with Jack will take place in the SanTan Room on Saturday, March 17th from 10AM to Noon.

There will be not meeting March 27th as the Tiffin Motorhome rally will start on the 27th of March and will take over most of the park for three days, including the Santan Room.
What game is that?

Future Schedule:  Current meeting format will be used for the March 20th meeting.  Meetings in April will be at the same time but less structured.  There will be no meeting April 10th as the room has been spoken for.  Mac User Group meetings will cease when the attending group decides to discontinue until next season.
Total Concentration

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lucky March 13th, 1PM Meeting

I don't know much.  

Assignment for this week was to create a separate desktop.  
Has anyone done so?

Scheduled is a presentation on creating a blog
and Suzie Hunley will speak about IPhoto.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blog Posting Question?

Posting a question/comment to the blog can be accomplished by scrolling down to the comments section, clicking and signing in with a Google Account.  Then your comment will be posted.  Trying to sign in with one of the other accounts has never worked for me or Sue (the administrator).  

Finding the blog:  Google Palm Creek and select the Palm Creek Blog, which appears about a third of the way down the page.  

Good Luck, Mike

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Report on March 6th 2012 Meeting of Mac Group

Larry showed a video of an uplifting comedy session in a nursing home.  Thanks, Larry.  

Mike Edgett gave a very informative presentation of Spaces & Expose which is a Snow Leopard program.  He has a very good understanding and a good ability to share his knowledge.  

Also a discussion of cyber crime which elicited some interesting comments.  

Jack McCleskey explained Mission Control, which is a program unique to Lion.  Also he gave a perceptive opinion of where Apple is going with their products.  Jack is a great source of information and a person who knows how to explain things clearly.  

Also we saw a preview of Mountain Lion which seems designed to align the laptop/desktops to the operating systems of the Iphone and Ipad.  

Our assignment is to create another desktop for next week.  

Plus Planned subject for next week:  
Review Iphoto
I thought everyone would enjoy this picture we chose for our living room.  
No relativity to anything but beauty.

Blogspot, creating a blog.  

Subject to revision.  


Monday, March 5, 2012

Meeting March 6th 2012
Dear Mac Users Group --

How many of you have accessed the data bases at the Casa Grande Library based on the presentation by Kevin Fahey?

I'm looking forward to trying the Spanish language online course.

Our learning programs for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 6, 2012 are:

1)  "Spaces and Expose'" on Snow Leopard by Mike Mike Edgett (I use Spaces a lot, but I have no clue what I'm doing.  I'm looking forward to Mike's review)


2)  "Mission Control" on Lion by Jack McCleskey

3)  Basics for Beginners - Macintosh Hard Drive, Apple Command and System Preferences
       For those that are just leaving the PC be sure to check out the APP "Learn the Switch To Mac" - Can be purchased from the Apple Store.

4)  Reschedule of the Back-up Workshop with Jack McCleskey

FYI - The Photography Club, PC Club and MAC User Group are making a proposal to Palm Creek to upgrade the projector in the Santan Room for 2012.  The Photography Group is providing the lead with the research and development of the specs for the projector.  Some of the money we've collected in the MAC User Group will be used to help fund it.  Palm Creek will be a major contributor. The Photography Club and PC Club will be contributing also.

Warm regards,
